Interested in more than just everyday plants?
Then NARGS is for you.

Our members care about studying, conserving, and cultivating some of our planet's most interesting plants, many of which are only found in our most at-risk environments. We focus on plants from many ecosystems, ranging from those found on high alpine peaks down to bogs, woodlands, and deserts.


Selected Articles From Our Quarterly Publications
Gail Klodzinski
Editor’s note: As we were preparing this issue for press, we received news that Kathy Allen passed away peacefully. She will be greatly missed by all lucky enough to have known her. Kathy Allen is a rock star to those of us in Southern Oregon who know her and love her. She owns a small, unimposing nursery with no sign at her gate, no advertising, no fancy sales building, and no staff, just a treasure trove of the most wonderful rock garden plants on earth. Her world...
Sarah Strickler
Crevice gardening is not the only xeric garden phenomenon to grab our attention of late. Gravel gardens are also daring to be discovered or reclaimed with greater intention. And for good reason – they...
Dave Bilyea
My rock garden pond contains several hobbies in one place: the rock garden, the pond water garden, the waterfall and filtration system, the goldfish, and the engineering that integrated it all...
Panayoti Kelaidis
The Great Plains and Intermountain region have always been something of a paradox, or perhaps better put, a “perplex” for American horticulture. Sure, these regions hoard the lion’s share of America’s...

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A Natural History of Empty Lots: Field Notes from Urban Edgelands, Back Alleys and Other Wild Places. By Christopher Brown, photography by Christopher Brown.
A Natural History of Empty Lots: Field Notes from Urban Edgelands, Back Alleys and Other Wild Places. By Christopher Brown, photography by Christopher Brown. Portland: Timber Press, 2024. hardcover, $30.00 $25.14 Amazon. I like plants


Soldanella hungarica
Soldanella hungarica
Description and General Information: Hungarian snowbells are native from beech forests to subalpine meadows in the southern and eastern Carpathian Mountains.


NARGS connects like-minded people in many ways, from our publications to exclusive events, local and national meetings, and workshops where you can learn how to cultivate these plants in unique gardens, containers and how to propagate them. NARGS lectures bring many of the world's leading botanical specialists to our members and our annual seed exchange is world renown. NARGS Tours offers extraordinary opportunities for botanizing trips lead by expert guides bringing our members face to face with the world's rarest flora and the most exotic of cultures. Our exploration and study trips have opened doors to hard-to-access botanical hotspots such as Western China, the Himalaya, and the Patagonian Andes.

Join NARGS and explore, learn and experience the real world of plants.


Nominations for 2024 Election
Draba hispanica
Proposed By-Laws Change
NARGS AGM 2023 Nova Scotia Videos
Pam Harper's death, age 93
Nick Courtens death
Nick Courtens and Salix calcicola
Roy Herold obituary

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